Domenica 3 Novembre parte la quarta edizione del Criterium societario, con la prima tappa della “CORRI per il VERDE” che si svolgerà nella Riserva Naturale Valle dell’Aniene (via A. Benigni).
Trasferta sociale a Spoleto, gara compresa. Manca solo la dimostrazione di pentolame senza obbligo di acquisto. – Running weekend in Spoleto with most of the team.
Every year my team organizes a running weekend…
This year we were in Spoleto.
Some other guests of the hostel were very noisy during the night…
In the morning I left the hostel looking for the race track, but I lost my way!
Fortunately a friend (The rascal) noticed me and picked me up…
We talked about the race, making strategies, secretely hoping to prevail the one on the other…
On the starting line the Valkyrie said we were over dressed…
Off we go! I try to set my pace, leaving incautious away…
Half way I feel like a metronome: exactly the pace I was expecting!
Uphill I notice a pooped team mate: “Finally I caught you, Rascal!”.
But it wasn’t him, it was the president, limping for an accident…
In the end the rascal beats me, and I’m also humiliated by a lap dog…
In the meanwhile the Skinny and the Valkyrie are dueling…
A third runner passes them both, talking to the Valkyrie: “Watch up for cars…” (according to Odin’s daughter).
“Watch behind, someone wants to skin you…” (according to the Skinny).
Truth is that the Skinny literally harpoons her distressed competitor…
What’s in her mind? Cumulonimbus? Thor’s hammer?
In the end Skinny wins, but she still hears those grunts, late at night…
After the race we have lunch at the hostel. I walk from table to table as if it were a wedding…
Daniele is new in the team, but he has a long pedigree…
The Shiny professor recovers from a post-marathon disease writing a book: “In chapter #35 we have…”
Time to go home. Next stop Olevano, in the hands of the Mighty.
Me and the Valkyrie (Alessandra). I’m wearing a snore suppressor.
12km di media difficoltà, clima caldo umido fastidioso (almeno non piove). Ritmo sotto controllo nella prima metà, poi mi perdo su un falsopiano e chiudo ad una media di 4’39, un po’ deludente. Alcuni sostengono che ci fossero 300m in più, il che significherebbe un più lusinghiero 4’32…
Terza tappa della Corri per il Verde in una terra di nessuno chiamata Parco delle Sabine. Una giornata fredda e grigia, ma ci risparmiano la pioggia. Avrei potuto fare di meglio, ma il freddo ti fa tirare automaticamente i remi in barca… – Another “Run for green” race in tne outskirts of northern Rome. Gray and cold weather, fortunately no rain…
Under a leaden sky…
In the outskirts of northern Rome I ran the third stage of “Run for green”
Uncultivated fields, a manege, a highway ramp…
I dress in the gazebo. Some tasks would be easier at home…
There is also Walter Serra, the one that runs on the offshore rigs. At least he’s tanned…
I wear a Santa bonnet and anti-racism bracelet. “Watch out for Guerra 2!” Guerra one is my elder brother, he’s a top runner…
“Proportionally, he should be Guerra sixth…” is a team mate’s (Capizzi) sarcastical response…
I start close to the front line, but the track is narrow, and we get stuck the same…
Three laps, first downhill, the three steep ramps… Just to break the pace…
Rascal, my antagonist, leaves me behind. His real name is Gaglioppa, and not Gaglioffa (rascal), but I have the read proof switched on!
One of our best runners defends his placement by any means. I always draw him with angelic halo, but in fact demons are just fallen angels…
First lap in 8’40, then I give up… I end the 6km at a 4’30 pace…
It’s girl’s turn. Stefania burns a coloured athlet on the end line…
Another sarcastic comment: “You even wore the anti-racist bracelet…” In the meanwhile they steal her backpack…
What if the robber was noticed? Was he a good enough runner?
In the evening Rifondazione Podistica’s 15th birthday. A lot of shouting kids make me desire the solitude of the next race…
It turns out that Stefania’s backpack wasn’t stolen, a team mate just picked up the wrong one. “How come did you run with whip and latex underwear?”
In the same moment a windscreen was smashed and two bags stolen for real… Unless it’s another mistake…
Domenica prima tappa della Corri per il Verde, manifestazione alla 40ma edizione organizzata dalla UISP. Si corre a Colli Aniene, in un parco coraggiosamente strappato alla speculazione edilizia. Immaginate cosa dovevano essere queste gare negli anni settanta, quando il loro scopo ultimo era veramente quello di riqualificare aree abbandonate della metropoli. Sono abbastanza soddisfatto della mia prestazione, circa 6km alla media di 4’20, nonostante un increscioso incidente iniziale che vi descrivo nelle vignette… – The Corri per il Verde (Run for Green) scores this year it’s 40th edition. It was created in the seventies, with the aim to preserve residual areas that where abandoned by farmers and devoured by real estate speculation. I’m satisfied with this race, except for a small accident that I recall in the sketches…
While air aces defy in the sky, privates crawl in the mud…
Actually sunday’s race was not so muddy…
The track was between a river and a creepy neighborhood…
First of all we mount the gazebo, our ephemeral home…
I warm up with old shoes on, but track is perfect…
I quickly change shoes, they’re calling for the start…
Small strategy before the start…
I feel a loose strap, but it’s better to leave it alone…
For misterious reasons I bend to unlace my shoes. Start finds me ass up…
I lace my shoes as fast as Achab chased by the Whale…
Bottled! It will take a mile to clear the track from the crowd…
I reach and pass Cap boy: -“You’re crazy…” -“I’ll try to explain…”
“C’mon, Andrea…” -“I appreciate your support, professor Sleek…”
There is the Rascal… I try to imagine his tonnage…
We support each other destroying other competitors…
My family is at the end line: “Look, dad isn’t drooling…”
131st position in about 25 minutes (average 4’20/km). “I look so old in this picture… And out of focus…”