Trasferta sociale a Spoleto, gara compresa. Manca solo la dimostrazione di pentolame senza obbligo di acquisto. – Running weekend in Spoleto with most of the team.
Every year my team organizes a running weekend…
This year we were in Spoleto.
Some other guests of the hostel were very noisy during the night…
In the morning I left the hostel looking for the race track, but I lost my way!
Fortunately a friend (The rascal) noticed me and picked me up…
We talked about the race, making strategies, secretely hoping to prevail the one on the other…
On the starting line the Valkyrie said we were over dressed…
Off we go! I try to set my pace, leaving incautious away…
Half way I feel like a metronome: exactly the pace I was expecting!
Uphill I notice a pooped team mate: “Finally I caught you, Rascal!”.
But it wasn’t him, it was the president, limping for an accident…
In the end the rascal beats me, and I’m also humiliated by a lap dog…
In the meanwhile the Skinny and the Valkyrie are dueling…
A third runner passes them both, talking to the Valkyrie: “Watch up for cars…” (according to Odin’s daughter).
“Watch behind, someone wants to skin you…” (according to the Skinny).
Truth is that the Skinny literally harpoons her distressed competitor…
What’s in her mind? Cumulonimbus? Thor’s hammer?
In the end Skinny wins, but she still hears those grunts, late at night…
After the race we have lunch at the hostel. I walk from table to table as if it were a wedding…
Daniele is new in the team, but he has a long pedigree…
The Shiny professor recovers from a post-marathon disease writing a book: “In chapter #35 we have…”
Time to go home. Next stop Olevano, in the hands of the Mighty.
Me and the Valkyrie (Alessandra). I’m wearing a snore suppressor.
12km di media difficoltà, clima caldo umido fastidioso (almeno non piove). Ritmo sotto controllo nella prima metà, poi mi perdo su un falsopiano e chiudo ad una media di 4’39, un po’ deludente. Alcuni sostengono che ci fossero 300m in più, il che significherebbe un più lusinghiero 4’32…
Primavera inoltrata, si corre alla luce del mattino. Sto facendo un po’ di allenamenti sul campo da polo. Vedere anche la gara di Spoleto. / Good to train in full spring, when there is plenty of light in the morning. Check also this race in Spoleto.