Domenica prima tappa della Corri per il Verde, manifestazione alla 40ma edizione organizzata dalla UISP. Si corre a Colli Aniene, in un parco coraggiosamente strappato alla speculazione edilizia. Immaginate cosa dovevano essere queste gare negli anni settanta, quando il loro scopo ultimo era veramente quello di riqualificare aree abbandonate della metropoli. Sono abbastanza soddisfatto della mia prestazione, circa 6km alla media di 4’20, nonostante un increscioso incidente iniziale che vi descrivo nelle vignette… – The Corri per il Verde (Run for Green) scores this year it’s 40th edition. It was created in the seventies, with the aim to preserve residual areas that where abandoned by farmers and devoured by real estate speculation. I’m satisfied with this race, except for a small accident that I recall in the sketches…
While air aces defy in the sky, privates crawl in the mud…
Actually sunday’s race was not so muddy…
The track was between a river and a creepy neighborhood…
First of all we mount the gazebo, our ephemeral home…
I warm up with old shoes on, but track is perfect…
I quickly change shoes, they’re calling for the start…
Small strategy before the start…
I feel a loose strap, but it’s better to leave it alone…
For misterious reasons I bend to unlace my shoes. Start finds me ass up…
I lace my shoes as fast as Achab chased by the Whale…
Bottled! It will take a mile to clear the track from the crowd…
I reach and pass Cap boy: -“You’re crazy…” -“I’ll try to explain…”
“C’mon, Andrea…” -“I appreciate your support, professor Sleek…”
There is the Rascal… I try to imagine his tonnage…
We support each other destroying other competitors…
My family is at the end line: “Look, dad isn’t drooling…”
131st position in about 25 minutes (average 4’20/km). “I look so old in this picture… And out of focus…”